Thursday, 30 January 2025

National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Research and Development (About Us)

Research and development (R&D) activities are one of NIOSH's core functions where a Research Management Center (RMC) has been established to manage all R&D activities at NIOSH.

RMC responsibility:

  • To foster various disciplines of OSH research in accordance with NIOSH priority
  • To enable and expedite high-impact research through collaboration
  • To coordinate research projects through effective monitoring approaches
  • To disseminate research outcome to all relevant stakeholders

NIOSH Outcome-Based Research Grant NIOSH Outcomes Based Research Grants have been introduced and applications are open throughout the year. However, with the limited amount of grants, the competition to get these grants is getting fiercer at this point. Therefore research projects that truly meet the following NIOSH criteria and intended research focus areas are welcome to apply:

Criteria of Research

MaRINA Remark

Intended Research Area 

(for more detail, kindly refer to :

1- The output that can support NIOSH functions directly to the industries.

2- Able to utilize NIOSH laboratories/ equipments (refer to this link for more details:


Aging Workforce in Government Sector


Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)


Prevention through Ergonomics Design (PtED)


OSH Risk Management


Cost Benefit Analysis in OSH


Capacity Enhancement of Training and Research Facilities


Communicable Diseases at Workplace


Occupational Psychosocial


Occupational Hygeine and Toxicology


OSH Culture in SME


Technological Innovation in OSH


Work-Related Road Safety (WRRS)


To apply, please submit to us those following :

  1. NIOSH R&D Fund Application Form 
  2. Presentation Slide (maximum 10-15 MINUTES ONLY by referring to this guide template)

The application should be submitted to us at:

For your information, every application received will be reviewed and evaluated based on NIOSH's terms and conditions. Applications from NIOSH Members will be given priority. Projects that have been approved will be governed by the terms of reference and contract of the project.